Friday, June 17, 2005


The old days. Maelcum had his lvl 20 Rogue quest, which he couldn't do without his Tree bashing friend. Posted by Hello

aaah how nice you 2 look together...

who's that malak character btw? made some new buddies there?

and what about those dutch characters I heard Braell babbling about?
Malak, another Troll rogue who couldn't finish this quest without me, Braell the sturdy and extremely powerfull warrior.
Malak did give Maelcum 2 daggers which I can make now myself and sell for 50silver each.
Where the F*@k is my gift, Malak?
mmm...maybe because that sturdy and cute warrior managed to kill the ONE person we rogues actually needed ALIVE, so we had to wait like an HOUR to finish the bloody quest?

omg that braell didn't tell me. So Wundie places the handsome threesome in great peril, but that's just because I'm so enthousiastic and you guys gave me a hard time about it. And now I hear Braell Kills the one persons you need alive, probably also because of great enthousiasm.
whahaha, zo Maelcom, what's your latest fuckup?
Ah well, fuck ups makes the game interesting, hehe.
My new skill a fear shout. Hilarious. It did safe my ass a couple of times. But now and then 1 runs in fear and comes back with a couple of his buddies....
It almost killed me and Maelcum, but after a massacre we where the only ones standing.
Whooooot we rule ;-)
With me, the only one wondering about fuck ups is the commander of the enemy forces, after half his troops have been slain from the shadows. Man, i'm cool.
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