Thursday, January 19, 2006


Ambushed, outnumbered and beaten within an inch of his life, Maelcum is desperately awaiting the much needed backup from his trusted buddy Wundagore. "Any moment NOW is fine by MEEEHEE!! *RIP* Ghello? *SHATTER* Buddy?" *PAIN*

not fair, I just can't get in my thick skull how fragile those trolls are.

I've played a whole lot more with out greenish friend and I can heal him allways, he just doesn't die as easily.

You trolls, well how shall I put, are a little more vulnerable (not saying anything about damagedealing btw) en last punches come really hard, I should start healing right after de first blow. I'll try & remember.

The time Maelcumm died was not when he took this pictue btw, I was enjoying the view there, as if I would sit and relax while one off the bad pack gets a serious beating by an lvl60 elite blue giant...
Hehe, at least Wundie let's you attack one mob, you just take your time, plan a strategie use proven tactics and kill.

With me....
Lill old Wundie runs like a madman around, trying to get as much agro he can gather. Whenever there is a mob wandering he attracks it.

It just isn't fun fighting one mob, nooooo why not kill the camp in one strike when you can do it in 10 small battles.....pfffff He just is pushing me to my limits, hehe

Must sat it is more satifying to be the last one standing, blood all over the place, and a big grin on the Bulls face ;-)
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